
How to Flatten a Rolled Poster? Easy Steps to Flatten The Poster at Home!

Flatten a Rolled Poster

Are you interested in learning how to flatten a poster? When you purchase a poster online, it is more likely to arrive rolled up in a tube.

Then, you may face challenges in flattening it without causing any damage. Isn’t it? 

Thankfully, you can follow some easy steps to make the poster look great. This guide will reveal 3 tips on how to flatten a rolled poster at home.

So, just stay with me and continue reading this guide!

How to Flatten a Rolled Poster

Tip 1: Weigh It Down:

Flatten a Rolled Poster

Maybe it is the simplest way to make a rolled poster flatten.

While following these tips, the steps may involve heavier books or some heavier objects in your household.

You can follow the following tips to safely weigh your poster down without causing any harm or damage to it.

  • Step 1: First, you need to unroll the poster.
  • Step 2: Then, on a clean and flat surface, lay the poster flat and put the image side down. 
  • Step 3: Next, on each of the corners place heavier objects. You can choose from heavier books, heavier plates, magazines, or something else of your choice. For extra protection, you can keep a matboard and place it on top of the poster. You can place the matboard in between the poster and the heavier objects. Also, you can place craft paper in between the heavier objects and the poster for extra protection.
  • Step 4: Finally, this step involves some more time to work well. you can leave the poster underneath the heavier objects for a day. However, it may take some more time too.

If you remove the heavier objects from the poser and see that it still rolls, then repeat the procedure for another day.

Tip 2: The Reverse-Roll:

Flatten a Rolled Poster

Another effective solution to make your rolled poster flat is by the reverse roll. the concept of this procedure is very simple.

If the poster is rolled in one direction, then you can roll it in the other way.

Here, I am providing the steps to reverse-roll your poster. But you must keep in mind that you should be aware not to create any wrinkles on the poster as you go.

  • Step 1: First, you need to unroll the curled poster.
  • Step 2: Then, spread it keeping the image side down on a clean surface.
  • Step 3: Next, you have to roll the poster in just the opposite direction. 
  • Step 4: After rolling down, you can secure the poster with a rubber band. If possible, you can avoid ripping the poster and you should avoid any tape or stickers.
  • Step 5: Then, you have to leave the poster in a safe environment for a few hours. 
  • Step 6: Finally, it’s time to unroll the poster. If it still does not lay all the way flat, then follow step 3 and keep it aside for a couple of hours.

Also, you can follow another poster flattening method from this guide.

Tip 3: Place The Poster In a Frame:

Flatten a Rolled Poster

Finally, you need to place the poster in a frame to flatten it out. Placing the poster helps you to lay flat it inside the frame, and also protects the poster from any damage.

If you simply hand the poster on the wall, it may cause wrinkles, and curls over the poster, leading to worse the look of the poster.

So, you can follow the following tips to enhance the look of the poster while hanging it on the wall.

  • Step 1: First, you need to unroll the poster.
  • Step 2: you need to collect a frame that matches the corners of the poster perfectly.
  • Step 3: Then, you need to open the back of the frame and place the poster inside of it. You need to make sure that you are placing the image side down against the glass.
  • Step 4: Fix the frame.
  • Step 5: Finally, hand the frame on your wall safely. Ideally, this procedure will flatten the poster gradually and keep it safe.

Have A Wrinkled or Torn Poster? How to Unwrinkle a Poster:

Flatten a Rolled Poster

While you may have taken all the extra precautions to flatten the poster without causing any damage to it. but, it is also possible that some tearing or wrinkling may have raised on the poster.

So, when flattening the poser, if you put some extra wrinkles and creases, just follow the following tips.

Remove wrinkles From Your Poster: Iron & Spray Method

  • Step 1: First, place your poster on a clean, and flat surface keeping the image side down. 
  • Step 2: Then, lay a bath towel over the poster.
  • Step 3: You need to take a spraying bottle. Then using the spraying bottle, dampen the towel slightly. you do not need to completely wet the towel. You need to do a bit damp the towel.
  • Step 4: Put the iron on the lowest setting. Then iron the poster with the lowest setting.
  • Step 5: Follow all the previous steps with precaution. Even still the wrinkles persist, do not turn up the heat of the iron. 

You should keep in mind that following this method of removing wrinkles, may cause a bit of color changes in the ink.


1. How do you flatten a folded poster at home?

Ans: To flatten a folded poster, you need to follow the following steps:

  • place the poster on a clean, and flat surface keeping the image side down.
  • Then you can spread a bath towel over the poster
  • Using a spray bottle, just damp the towel a bit
  • Then, keeping the iron on the lowest setting, press over the towel.

2. How do you flatten a poster quickly?

Ans: You need to unroll the poster first. Then, you can put the poster on a clean, and flat surface keeping the image side down. Then, you can collect some heavier objects from your home.

It can be some heavier books, or some heavier plates, or some heavier magazines. Next, you need to place four heavier objects at the four corners of the poster. Just leave it for one day.

The next day, you can remove the heavier objects and observe the changes in the new ones.

3. Can you flatten a folded poster without an iron?

Ans: If you have some crease or wrinkle over the poster, you can use iron to make it smoother. But if you do not refer to using an iron and looking for something else, you can use heavier objects instead.

You can place the poster on a clean, and flat surface. Then place some heavier objects all over the poster. Leave it for one day. The next day, you can remove all the heavier objects and see the changes!


If your print has just arrived from the studio in a tube, and it curled up like hot-rolled hair, now what? If you know how to flatten a poster, it will look much better on your walls.

Here, in this guide, I have provided every possible way to get your poster to lay flat.

You can go through my article and follow the methods one by one. If you experience some wrinkles or tearing during the flattening process, there are also a few tips to remove those wrinkles.

Hope, if you follow the methods, you can have a flat and nice-looking poster on your wall. 

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